Become a Patient
Maria Clarinda Buencamino-Francisco, MD, MSCP, CCD
Join Dr. Buencamino’s Concierge Primary Care Practice
Dr. B is accepting patients into her Concierge Primary Care Practice $4500/year
At check-out, you will be asked to pay for one year of membership upfront, with the flexibility to cancel after six months with a written 30-day notice and receive a pro-rated refund for any unused months, if requested.
Take the first step towards truly dedicated care! Once you join, call 781-795-9980 to schedule your first appointment.
Join Dr. Buencamino’s Women’s Health Membership
Dr. B is accepting patients into her Women’s Health Membership $2500/year
Join Concierge Medicine of The South Shore with a membership tailored for women navigating hormonal changes, including perimenopause, menopause, and related health concerns. Dr. B is passionate about providing compassionate expert care to help manage symptoms and protect your health through every stage of life. With this membership, Dr. Buencamino will require you to have a primary care physician on record to manage all care unrelated to women’s health.
At check-out, you will be asked to pay for one year of membership upfront, with the flexibility to cancel after six months with a written 30-day notice and receive a pro-rated refund for any unused months if requested.
Take the first step towards truly dedicated care! Once you join, call 781-795-9980 to schedule your first appointment.